Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary
Aloha and Welcome to the Home of the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary
The Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary was officially opened on June 27, 2014. It was preceded by a May 28 Declaration that outlines the four principles behind its creation.
To read the public announcement about the Declaration for a Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary, click here. To read the Declaration itself, click image on left.
To read a summary of the Friday June 27 launch of the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary, click here.
Videos and media stories about the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary will be added in the Updates section and following Social Media sites.
Sept 3, 2014 – Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary work party and launch of Contact Protocols
On Saturday September 6, 2014 the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary needs volunteers to assist in a work party to help build a rock perimeter for the Sanctuary. After completion of the rock perimeter, there will also be a signing and official launch of the Hawaii Star Visitor Contact Protocols which outlines the steps Kingdom of Hawaii representatives will take to officially greet Star Visitors. More information on the Star Visitor Contact Protocols is forthcoming.
All interested in volunteering and/or witnessing the event are welcome.
Time: 2-4 pm. Sept 6, 2014.
Location: Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary (Makai side of Uncle Roberts Awa Bar)
August 19 – Youtube video of Interview with Kumu Palani about building Hale Visitor Center for the Hawaii Star Visitor Contact
August 19 – Youtube video of Interview with Dr Michael Salla about the Hawaii Star Visitor Contact Protocols
August 19 – Youtube video of Interview with Sam Keli’ilo’imola about envisioning the Star Visitor Sanctuary
August 18 – Youtube video of Interview with Garry Hoffeld about building the vision of the Star Visitor Sanctuary
August 8 – Youtube video of Interview with Kaliko about the origins of star visitors in Hawaii
What a Wonderful World!!!! They Will Show Up!!!! I LOVE HAWAII Thank You- Michael=Christ The Hopi in 4 Corners are Telling Us the 5th World starts this Year and the RE+TURN of the Star Nations will begin.
Theresa Wood
I am very happy to hear about the Star Sanctuary. It is the best news todate. I wish I could come to Hawaii to attend the ceremony, but will be there is spirit. Please televise the ceremony on a Skype, or the internet, or YouTube so that those who cannot attend will have a way to witness the ceremony. This is the best thing that can happen to this planet at this time. The Star Visitors are getting a formal invitation to come to earth, and I hope that in the near future there will be many landings. Love and Peace!
Theresa from Nevada
Mahalo Michael and Uncle Robert for sharing this wonderful information with us. It is time for this exciting event to take place; to make the shift from such possibilities being “just talk” to actually” taking action”, here now. I am thankful to live here so I can be part of this grand adventure into our new future. I offer my assistance however it may be needed. Blessings to you both!
In Joy and Peace! ~Gesanna~
Chicken skin my Bruddah, we have met a few times, Love and Aloha to all
Cayte Turley
E Komo Mai Bradahs and Sisters of my Star Family. Pleiadian Starseed ✴
Donna Grabow
Aloha Michael,
I learned about the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary on an Hawaiian Facebook page.
I look forward to this event, and since I live in Puna, Big Island, I plan on being there June 27.
I create sculptures, and would like to give to give a plaque/sculpture of George Helm to Uncle Robert and the ReinstatedHawaii Kingdom, if you think it will be pono for the occasion.
I also tried sending an email with a pic attached, showing the sculpture, but I don’t know if you got it.
Victor Sabella
Go! Go!! Go!!! Don’t forget the Pajarens/Pleaideans were from the Lyra Constellation, The Vegans and Andromedians have their history there too.
This IS a historical moment!
Dear Sir,
Declaration In Opposition to the U.S. Dept. of Interior’s
Proposed Government to Government’s Relationship
Between the U.S and Native Hawaiian Community
Acknowledging my deepest aloha and gratitude for the wondrous achievements of our Hawaiian Kingdom Kings, Queen Lili’uokalani and our kupuna, I, the undersigned [US Citizen], hereby proclaim that:
I object to and protest against the U.S. Department of Interior’s presence in Hawai`i, to convene scheduled hearings in June and July 2014 for the purpose of considering measures to establish a government to government relationship with the Native Hawaiian Community, as intervening in the internal and domestic affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom in violation of International law, the laws of occupation, U.S. Constitutional law and the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The Hawaiian Kingdom’s existence as an independent state, among the family of nations, is undisputed, affirmed and many times reaffirmed by the conclusion of treaties, including treaties with the United States. Until relevant evidence of its extinguishment is established, the continuity of Hawaiian Kingdom as an independent state is presumed, thereby strictly prohibiting said interference in the affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom by the U.S. Department of Interior.
Accordingly, I call upon and demand that the U.S. DOI cease and desist the convening of all scheduled community hearings in Hawai’i and all actions, including all legislative, internal, administrative, or executive actions in furtherance of or to conclude the proposed government to government relationship between the United States and the Native Hawaiian Community.
By affixing our signatures to said proclamation, we affirm the memorial of the Hawaiian Patriotic League filed with the United States “Hawaiian Commission” for the creation of the territorial government in August 1898, to wit:
WHEREAS: By memorial the people of Hawaii have protested against the consummation of an invasion of their political rights, and have fervently appealed to the President, the Congress and the People of the United States, to refrain from further participation in the wrongful annexation of Hawai`i; and
WHEREAS: The Declaration of American Independence expresses that Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the constitutional government of the 16th day of January, A.D. 1893, be restored, under the protection of the United States of America.
Signed this 30th day of June, 2014
Eileen G.
Aloha and greetings with great thanks! I felt this would be the best place to seek official permission to become a member of the Hawaiian community. I have been seeking elders to request such permission and ask with a humble spirit that my family and I gain proper cultural wisdom from the Islands inhabitants; while asking how may I be of service. With sincere thanks, finding this website has been a true blessing. Hope to share with you in the future.
Mahalo (Blessing in Abundance)
The opening of the Star Visitor Sanctuary on June 27, 2014 is a
Keystone Marker Event. Well done.